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Mercedes: Mercedes E320 Transmission, mercedes e320, mercedes dealer

The auto transmission in my 1998 E320 will not change from 1st to 2nd gear for the first 5-10 minutes in the morning. After that no problems. I've had it hooked up to the computers at my Mercedes dealer but it says there is no fault. Can you suggest what might be the problem?

How many mile on this transmission and how long ago did you have the transmission fluid changed?

You say first 5 to 10 minutes. Do you you allow the vehicle to sit and run for that long before trying to drive awqy.
Are you driving the vehicle with the transmission hung in 1 and waiting for it to warm up enough to shift"
Is it more prevalent in March or July.
Are there any other unusual shifting characteristics, i.e.  shutter, play in the shift when it iis working.