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Mercedes: shifting problem, transmission repair shop, vacuum switches

My daughter recently purchased a 1983 240D and drove it from South Carolina to Washington State. The ODO says 230K. It is having to accelerate beyond where it would normally shift and then it shifts hard, with a surge forward. She took it to a well-known national transmission repair shop that said the "micro vacuum switches" were bad and the transmission was "toast". I am not convinced this is the case. The trans fluid is clean, no smell to it and no sign of any metal or contamination.  This was a one owner car, no maintenance records available, but it was well maintained. The CARFAX showed it had been not registered/on the road from 1998 to November 1996. Any suggestions of 240D automatic trans shifting issues? Please help!  

This sounds like a B-piston issue = easy DIY.
Here is a link to the data you need.

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