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Mercedes: MERCEDES PROBLEM, fuel pressure regulator, fuel pump relay

(1987 420 SEL)... i mean, i did a COMPLETE TUNE UP on it, with cables, plugs, rotor, i mean everything... all the filters... everything...
the car does not start on the first crank... i have to turn the key like 5 or 6 times and hold it for like 5, 6 seconds every crank... and than on the 5th or 6th crank it starts... than, when i drive it for like 20 - 30 min, and shut off the engine, it will start normally...

so what do i do? i replaced the FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR...
and what happened you asked? well... NOTHING AT ALL heh ehhehhehe lol lol.

so what do i do next?  i replace the FUEL ACCUMULATOR (located by the fuel pump)
and what's up you want to know? well..... STILL NOTHING..heh ehehhehhe

tomorrow, due to alternate parking rules, i'll have to get up at 7:30am and move the car.... and again i'll have to crank it up many times before it starts.... brats!

----lately the car has had CRAZY IDLING PROBLEMS... i mean, it's working fine as i'm driving from light to light... than all of a sudden, idiling problems start... i mean seriously... the car feels as if it's about to CHOKE.... i floor the gas pedal and NOTHING... just barely rolling down the block... i throw it into NEUTRAL, kill the engine, START IT UP AGAIN... and everything is back to normal... at highway speeds it runs ok... but as far city... chokes very often......

here are some suggestions my friends have provided:
1. IDLE CONTROL RELAY (my opinion>> ok for idling, but will it solve the 5, 6 crank start problem?)

2. IDLE CONTROL VALVE (my opinion>>> ok for idling, but will it solve the crank problem again?)

3. FUEL PUMP RELAY (my opinion>>> will it solve crank problem and keep good idling?)

to be honest, i mean... this car is going to brake m bank soon... for real... i'm losing my patience with it... any help would be greatly appreciate it....
i'd hate to part it or trade because when push comes to shove... it's an awesome and comfortable ride....  (but at what price?)

sorry if i've bothered you all of this writing... i mean.... i really don't know who to turn to... i'm afraid that if i go to a mechanic... he'll just take me for another cow that he'll milk...

thanks a lot and have a great night...

You need hands on professional help.

You have spent more on parts than even your local MB dealer would have charged to fix it correctly.

Please look at this thread.
Good MB Shops