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Mitsubishi: 02 lancer stalled and wont start, alternator, freeway

As i was driving down the freeway my brand new, well for me, '02 lancer OZ rally just stalled and shut off, i was able to start it again and make it about two more miles before it shut off again completely and didn't work again, at first i thought it was the alternator, so i went into town bought a brand new battery and put it in...and it still won't work, any ideas?

HI Josh,

If it was the alternator, installing a new battery will not help. I suggest installing a new alternator if that is the issue. Before we go doing all that, let's find out a little more info... When it died, did all the lights come on on the dash? Have you tried jump starting it? Is there fuel in it? Try to give me as much info as you can.