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Mitsubishi: 98 3000GT Problems, mitsubishi 3000gt, cottman transmissions

1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT 3.0L V6 SL
The vehicle has two problems that occur frequently. The car will stall or lose power when throttle is applied only from a stop, and then continue as normal. Recently, it stalled three times in a row within a half mile. And immediately the check engine light came on. The other issue occurs when decelerating. At almost a near stop, the transmission jerks into first gear abruptly. I also noticed the vehicle would not go into overdrive on the highway - or over 50 mph - the rpm's would be 3500+  
The history of the car includes a automatic transmission replacement at 65k miles. Replacement was needed due to exact same problems with the transmission. The loss of power, or acceleration, is a new problem that I have never experienced with this vehicle. The car has 80k miles on it currently. I plan on getting the error code within the next few days.


Hi Julie,

The answer lies in the code stored in the computer. The check engine light indicates that there is a code and with that code number, I can help you repair your car. I suggest taking your car to someone who can scan it and give you the code numbers. Resubmit those to me and we will "git 'er done" hehehe. Incidentally, Cottman Transmissions will gladly scan your car for free. 866-COTTMAN for the one nearest you... Yes, I do work for them!