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Mitsubishi: 97 mitsubishi mirage/1.5L DE/ crankshaft pulley, crankshaft pulley, mitsubishi mirage

Well my crankshaft pulley on my car came completely off and out ran me on the interstate.How in the world do i find a replacement pulley and all the hardware to go with it.

Hey Corey,

AutoZone or any parts house will have this! LOL It's not that uncommon. The pulley has a rubber core inside and it rots out. You'll need a puller to pull the rest of the pulley off! hehehe Also known as a harmonic balancer. It should come with a new nut. The puller is under $20 and the pulley itself should be less than $50. So take it easy and watch the second game tonight! About a 2 beer job.