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Mitsubishi: 2003 Montero XLS transmission, transmission overhaul, transmission issues

Hello Dinger! I have a 2003 Montero XLS, full size. It has two kinds of transmission issues. When cold, for the first 10 minutes, 2-3 and 4-5 shifts flare up. If driven gingerly, flare is smaller, more agressively - bigger flare and a rougher shift. After about 10 minutes it smoothes out. Second problem is on the opposite end - if driven for a long time or kept idle during hot weather,then going uphill it does not want to shift from 3 to 4. Just keeps revving up in third gear and close to redline disconnects - literally loose drive , feels like tranny is in  neutral, and have to let of the gas. Two seconds later it shifts back into gear. I drive the same road every day and it has done it three times during extremely hot days.
No CEL lights are on and the dealer is treating me as if I am on drugs. The cold problem is reproduceable but the dealer says it is "normal". Also dealer implied that tranny "learns" my driving style and acts accordingly. I pulled the fuses to reset the learning curve and both problems happenned within a day anyway. I will take it to a different dealer, it is still under warranty. Any suggestions what to look for?
Go Sox!

Hi Alex,

Hope those guys can get it together!

In the mean time, your due for a transmission overhaul. Sorry, but nothing short of this will fix your issues. Looking at around $2500 at my shop in Vegas. The dealer is wacked. And if it's under warranty, you should call Mitsu customer service. Changing fluid will only make it worse.