Mitsubishi: Mitsubishi sunroof leak, mitsubishi eclipse, car air
QuestionI have an 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse, and i was away for a week and it rained all week and just this morning i walked out to my car to find about 3 inches of water on the drivers side of the car. The way the car was parked, it was on a slant causing all of the water to lean to the one side. Im not quite sure of how long the water was sitting in the car, but this morning after I noticed it i vaccummed all the water out and let the car air out for the day. The car is still damp, and it seems as if all the windows / ect are working fine. I was wondering if you could tell me how much damage is possiblle to my car, and if you know where it is possible to get the seal replaced on the sunroof, because that seems to be where the problem is coming from, and around how much money you think it would cost. It was quite random to find that this happened to my car, because it was out in the rain before, and didn't do this. I also know that it was shut all the way.
AnswerHI Katie,
You want to keep all the windows open until it drys out otherwise you will be stinkin' with mildew. The dealer is probably the only place to have this done. You might call around and see if someone can replace that gasket cheaper then the dealer.