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Mitsubishi: eclipse clutch, clutch slave cylinder, clutch master cylinder

I have a 1992 eclipse, 1.8 liter  non-turbo.  my clutch suddenly and without warning just stopped working. I can't engage any gear while the car is running, just grinding. If the car is off and I engage a gear, when I start the car, it jumps everytime the engine turns over....I don't know what to replace or fix....any help would be great...

Hi Lee,

Bad Hydraulics. Eith a bad clutch slave cylinder or a bad clutch master cylinder. After market they are both under a hundred and I would do both at the same time. Easy to do, bleed them like brakes. Master is located next to your brake master. Slave is on the side of the transmission. Slave has a bleed valve. 1/4 wrench to bleed. After you install them, pump the clutch pedal a thousand times ;) then while holding the pedal down, open the valve for a couple of seconds, then close the vavle and pump again. Do this about 10 times and you'll be in business. BTW this will be much easier with two people! LOL Motor safe! right...