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Mitsubishi: transmission question, clutch assembly, clutch pedal

um. im sure my axles wont give regardless of the transmission. Another question i have for you is, ive seen people do this exact same process for barely over $1,000. Is that because they are using used parts? What makes the over all process so expensive?

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Question -
hey dinger.

My names nick and I drive an '03 triptronic mitsibishi eclipse GS. It drive good; transmission is good. I was wondering, though, how much would it cost for labor && parts for a mechanic to install a 5 speed manual transmission in it. I was also wondering if i could use the flywheel and other parts from my automatic transmission in the swap. thanks.

Answer -
Hi Nick,

You will need a transmission, clutch assembly, flywheel, possibly axles, installation of a clutch pedal, wiring harness, hydraulic system and a computer (ECU). About $5,000 to $5,500 USD. In an automatic car your "flywheel" is actually called a flexplate and ring gear. This will not work with a standard shift.

Hi Nick,

Flywheel          217
Transmission, used 1200, New 2100+600 core, which you don't have.

Slave Cylinder       90
Master Cylinder      70
Clutch Assembly     250
Computer          800
Clutch, Brake Assy  250
Mits gear lube       25
Hydraulic Line       65
Cutting, Modifying,
Installation and
set up. 20+ hours @ 85 per

Go buy one with a stick!

Oh, I forgot to mention little things like consol,stick, boot...