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Mitsubishi: alternator belt adjustment on 98 mits galant, tensioner pulley, small claims court

I had taken my car in for new strutsand the mechanic noticed the squeaky belt and said he would adjust it then he said it could not be adjusted so he replaced it and the car would not start. so I go back to pick up my car and he has the thing all torn apart I'm talking the heads and everything,so now he is saying the timing belt broke while he was changing the alternator belt and possibly I have bent valves This was not a problem before I took the car in for struts. Should changing the alternator belt cause all this damage. I now have the car at another shop and no telling how much the repair bill will be. Does this sound right?

Hi Gwen,

Can you say LAW SUIT? SMALL CLAIMS COURT? Just so your clear. Did you ever sign a document at the first guy's garage authorizing him to tear down your engine? As a garage, you can not do that or any type of repair without customer's WRITTEN authorization. I'm no lawyer, but this I do know about from experience! LOL Take pictures too, judges like that!

You may want to consult with the legal expert at AllExperts.com and see what they say! I'm on your side all the way because it is just a little too coincidental that a timing belt breaks while it's at the garage. I really hate shops that do this. Go get that guy!!! Keep me posted!

Follow Up: BTW Gwen, your car has only one belt. A serpentine belt which drives all of your pulleys. Hince no adjustment. It is self adjusting with a tensioner pulley. If it was squeeking it could indicate a different problem with on of the other pulleys, but for this guy to teardown your engine, well that's just insanity... Please tell us the name of the shop and location so our other reader friends might avoid this guy.