Mitsubishi: MItsubishi Car stereo, mitsubishi car, 3000gt
QuestionFrom what I have seen you havent answered many questions on stereos but I hope that you can help. I have a 95 3000GT. My stereo was reset when my battery was removed to fix the air evaporator in my car about a week ago. When I started the car the radio asked me for a code and I very stubbornly tried the obvious ones (0000, 3000, etc...) and the radio locked on me. Since then I have found out the code which was located on the top of the head unit. My problem is that I can not get the radio to reset again to give me another opportunity to enter the code. My radio simply says "off". I have disconnected the battery for a period of about 12 hours and it does nothing. Maybe there is an easy way I dont know about. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
AnswerHi Mark,
You'll love this one! To reset to radio to be able to enter the code, leave the key in the on position, not running and leave the driver door open for 1 hour. Hope your battery is strong! Good luck!
Follow up: Thanks for the nice rating, but wasn't this one a funny one! LOL I couldn't believe that I finally got that question after all these years! Thanks again, I am here for you.