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Mitsubishi: Car was running now want start., phillips screw driver, blown head gasket



Followup To: yes it will crank but want start,it will turn over, it turns over like its out of gas,
could you give me some steps to take, like check for sparks ignition coil etc....... thank you for your help.

Question -
Hi, after geting my car started from a over heating problem, i first bought some chemicals to fix my head gasket Problem, i made sure the car will start before i put the chemicals in the ratiotor, and it started up, so i let the car die so i could put in the chemicals, after i put in the chemicals i start the car back up it ran, then it dawn on me that i need to change the oil, so i let it die again, after i change the oil for better results, and poured some top performance soluction into the gas tank, then i went to start it again, and to my surprise the car will not start, it crank 3 times, now will not start for nothing, could you please tell me what happend..?

Answer -
Hi James,

Does it crank, but not start? If it does, then you have serious issues. It if doesn't then it's either a bad battery or alternator. Let me know and we'll take it to the next step.

Hi James,

What year and model?

First, you'll need to check all the fuses and fusable links and relays. Second, remove any sparkplug wire from the top of the plug and insert a phillips screw driver into it. While carefully holding the screw near a ground (metal) have a second person turn over the car. If the electronics are ok, you'll get a spark from the screw driver. If we pass that test then you have a fuel delivery problem. If you don't have a spark, this could be caused by a multitute of things. A bad coil, bad rotor, bad rotor cap, broken timing belt, many different sensors. If you do have spark then it's will be a clogged fuel filter or bad fuel pump, bad rings, bad fuel relay or bad fusable link. That would be just the normal stuff. You meantioned you appearently had a blown head gasket and added some chemicals to repair it. This worries me. So even if you have spark to the screw driver, the plugs could be fowled with the additive. Check the fuses and spark and get back to me