Mitsubishi: 88 galant, crank angle sensor, mitsubishi galant
Questionhey guys ive got a 1988 Mitsubishi Galant, dohc, auto, im looking at buying another one off trademe ( thats manual however it has a few problems that i want to get expert advise on first. problem number 1:
its blown a cv joint, the guy who im wanting to buy it off has replacements just no time to fix it, is it possible for me to replace them myselves or does it have to be a garage (if its possible for me to do please give very informative steps to replacing thanks!)
second it says it "sometimes wont start due to faulty crank angle sensor" how do i fix this, and again is it possible for me to do, could this be my timing, is there anything at all i can do to remedy this other than taking it into a garage as money is a big issue here, cheers.
AnswerHi Shey,
I got this question last night and have been thinking about it all day. I don't know what level of tech you are but I would say that most shops would charge just 1 hour labor to put it in. It might take you all dang day if you don't have the right tools. One being the ball joint seperator. Having a lift and air tools sure helps too. You should be able to do the crank sensor. On this car I don't know where it's located or what it looks like. I have spent 2 hours on the web looking for that info and it just doen't seem to be out there. If you go to the dealer and buy the part, the parts guy will show you a pic of where it's located. I am fairly certain you can DIY. Hope this helps.