Followup To: can a crack block be fixed.....? and how..?
Question -
I have a 1994 mittsubishi galant, my car overheated on the freeway, i got off and looked under the hood and saw oil and water on the motor,
and a broken hose for the water to run threw, i replace the broken hose, and waited for the car to cool down, and i tried to start it and the car want start, it sounds like it wants to turn over but it want, any ideas of the problem after overheating....?
Answer -
Hi James,
This is really out of my expertise, but I will try to help. When the car overheated and you see water and oil on the engine and engine compartment, in all likelyhood you have cracked the block or the head or blew a headgasket. This is why it won't start. There is the possiblilty the engine is seized. If this was the case though, it wouldn't turnover, it would just click from the starter. Check your engine oil for a white film on the stick or brown bubbles. Also check your radiator for a dark or white film on the cap to the radiator itself. These would indicate a head or block problem. Sorry, wish I had better news for you. Hope this helps. Resubmit and let me know what happened...
AnswerHi again James,
If it is cracked block the engine will need to be replaced. If it is the head then that will need to be replaced. The head gasket can also be replaced but if you use the old head you'll need to take the head to a machine shop and have it milled. Purchase a head "set" and turn a bunch of bolts! Also James, this is out of my area. You might try resubmitting to our engine person for further info. I wish I had more for you...