Mitsubishi: eagle talon (mitsubishi engine ) not starting, jumper cables, mitsubishi engine
QuestionI have had my 1994 ealge talon for 6 years now, anyways it is not a turbo it is just a esi automatic, the last couple days I have had a harder time starting it , I even made a comment that my starter sounded like it was going, on the third day I went to start my car and there was nothing, only lights were on because my battery is good, there was no engine turnover, only a slight one time click sound when I turned the key, I asked my friend for a jump and when the jumper cables were connected I tried to start my car and it would not even start with a jump. my battery is good almost brand new , and I still get lights etc, only there is nothing when I turn my key, what could this be and where should I start
AnswerHi Rose,
It's a bad starter. Made by Nipondenzu, the internal workings are the same on 90% of all starters for Japanese imports. The life span of that starter is about 10 years give or take. The repair should not cost over $300 and possibly much less depending on the cost of the starter. I suggest having your local Cottman Tranmsission shop or your neighborhood Pep Boys do the repair. Cottmans usually tow at no charge provided you do the work with them. Hope this helps.