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Mitsubishi: 95 mitsu. galant stalling, mitsubishi galant, electronic control unit

my galant would idle rough it would drop below 1000 then jump back to 1000 and fight like that until it cuts off almost like it wasn't gettin fuel.....if  you gave it gas then it would be fine but you had to floor it a couple of time it didn't matter what you did it would just cut off while driving the shop said it was my distributor  they charged me $650 and i didnt have the car 20 min and it cut off again while in park

95 mitsubishi galant es

It is most likely to be your e.c.u it might be able to be reset.Might have to buy a new e.c.u electronic control unit but you shoud put our car on a dioganstic machine before you spend money on parts that you most likely do not need.
P.S..... The only way to reset your computer is at a Mitsubishi dealer ship.