Oldsmobile/Buick: 97 Buick LeSabre Transmission Problem, dirt and grime, buick lesabre

My LeSabre has 122,00 miles, and the transmission has been replaced twice.  
When driving on the highway last week, the yellow "Check Engine" light came
on.  A quick scan at the mechanics reported my problem was filthy
transmission fluid.  I had this fixed right away, but the shop seemed
unconvinced that this would solve the problem permanently.  The mechanic
said something about how it might start slipping into/out of gear for some
seemingly unknown reason.  He seemed very unsure.

Now, I am in love with this car.  It is extraordinarily safe, and holds a special
place in my heart. I am going back to college this coming saturday, and I
want to bring "Carlos" with me, but my parents are very wary of his current
safety.  Any idea what could possibly be wrong, or even if there is anything
wrong?  The light has not come back on, and he seems to be driving just fine.  
Thank you all so much!


Personally,from one college student to another it might be in your best interest to have another mechanic look over the car. An ASE certified mechanic would be your best start. Unfortunately Oldsmobiles and especially Buicks upwards of 1987 are out of my area of expertise. Transmission was replaced twice ? Not the same mechanic I hope. From what I've heard Transmissions can be temperamental. If the transmission itself has not been used to scheduled filter/fluid flushes then the friction from the dirt and grime with existing fluid is something the transmission has become accustomed too. Removing it might cause the transmission to slip. Take the vehicle to an ASE Certified mechanic who specializes in Transmissions.

Cheers to you and your trusty friend Carlos,

Ed McKenna