Oldsmobile/Buick: 1986 cutlass ciera, 2.8 V6 f.i., 1986 cutlass ciera, john redding

Hi Ed,

my battery is dead!......when i jump start it, it starts fine and run fine, if i remove the cables immediately, the car stalls out after a few minutes......if i leave the cables on from the other car's battery, it runs..........if i disconnect after say 5 minutes, the car will run for approx 10 or 15 minutes, but when it stalls out, the battery is stone dead!!!!!!!, i now have it on a slow trickle charge.......i hought i remember reading somewhere, that you could remove the battery from a car after it was started(but maybe that was "older" cars?)......there are no lights on re a bad charging system!


John ,

Your battery has most likely reached its useful life expectancy. A normal store bought battery charger isn't going to cut it. Ff you want to see if that battery has any life left in it, simply take it down to your local parts store. They'll usually have a high powered computer controlled charger free of charge to use.

You also made mention of a bad charging system ? Your message had a typo in it so I didn't know what you were referring to.

I'd buy a new battery :) You know that if this battery dies then your alternator or charging system may need to be serviced.

John , hope this helps if you have any more questions please feel free to ask . Don't forget to rate my response to you.