Oldsmobile/Buick: ignition repair, auto repair books, chilton manual
Questioni started working on a 1989 olds cutlas ignition and have the trying to get the old one out I have the steering wheel off and not sure how to get the ignition out is there some thing else I have to pull off to get it to slide out I thought there should be some kind of pin that needs to be pushed or pulled to remove it. looked in auto repair books and I don't see this type in there.
the colum is square not round like the ones showen in the book.
Thanks Randal
AnswerRandal ,
Unfortunately I'm not at all familiar with the wiring/ignition system on the 89' olds . Your best bet would be to check out the Hayne's or Chilton manual on your car . Those manuals are lifesavers .
Most auto parts stores , Auto Zone, Trak Auto etc. carry these books . If not then Amazon.com has them listed .
Randal I wish I could have been of more help to you . If you have any more questions then please feel free to ask . Don't forget to rate my response to you .
Ed McKenna