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Pontiac: stalling problem, engine bolts, crank sensor

Hi, my car is a 1996 sunfire convertible, I've had a problem right after my car is started, I will drive 1 block on average and my car will stall out, the ETS light will come on and my engine light will flash, then i will start it again and it will stall again, about after a block or so.  Usually on the third time it will be fine and it drives excellent after that.  Doesn't happen everytime the car is started.  It has 60,000 mile on it if that helps.  The Mechanics cant figure out the problem, they've changes coils, modulators,...please help, i want to get his fixed

Anytime the check engine light illuminates a CODE is stored in the computer. You need to find out from the techs what CODE is appearing.

Other possibilities, Besides finding a tech who knows what he's doing, Are:

1. Weak fuel pump.

2. Exhaust restriction.

3. Intermittent faulty crank sensor.

4. Contaminated fuel.

If you have a digital camera and the vehickle is front wheel drive. take several pictures of the engine and a couple where the engine bolts to the transmission naer the starter and e-mail them to me at:

[email protected]

as pictures are NOT allowed on this site.
