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Pontiac: Rear Struts, genuine gm parts, rear struts

I need to what causes rear struts to break or go bad? I replaced them about 31/2 months ago and the had to be replace and now they are bad again which it has been 2 months now PLEASE HELP ME....

1997 Pontiac sunfire

I bought this car used from JD Byrider and they suck please help....  Thank You


There are ONLY a couple of reasons:

Unfortunately and it is getting worse, In that there are more and more dishonest repair people and facilities who actually do NOT do the work but charge you for it.

ALWAYS request in WRITING on the repair order stating that you want the OLD parts to be returned to you. If they REFUSE, This is a sign of a probable dishonest person(s) and or facility.

Even when you get the old parts returned to you, It is NO GUARANTEE that the parts that you get returned actually came from YOUR vehicle.

Take the parts into any local auto parts store and ASK if these parts are from your specific YEAR, MAKE and MODEL of vehicle.

Another famous deceitful practice is that they will charge you for GENUINE GM REPLACEMENT parts but what they install are cheap inferior parts from a local auto aprts store.

EXAMPLE: A GM strut may cost approx $65.00 each and a cheap inferior auto aprts store strut may cost $45.00 each. They install the $45.00 strut and charge you for the $65.00 strut. This goes on thousands of times a day and the customer is in most all cases totally unaware.

GENUINE GM PARTS will say so right on the sticker on the part(s), Look for it.

Here are your possibilities:

1. The struts were possibly never replaced the first time.

2. Cheap inferior parts were installed.

3. Improper installation.

Struts just do NOT wear out in 3 1/2 months unless you have an elephant in the back seat. Struts always come with some type of warranty, usually a year.

ALWAYS be suspicious. ASK questions, ASK to see the NEW parts BEFORE installation. ASK for the OLD parts, It's YOUR monet they are spending and you have a RIGHT to know what you are getting for it.
