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Pontiac: Pontiac Grand Am Starter problem, shift linkage, pontiac grand am


The last 2 times after it rained my car (1992 4 door Grand Am sedan, 4 cyl) wouldn't start the first time but started the second or third try.  Last night it would not start at all (though lights, wipers, etc. all work fine).  This morning we put the car in neutral and it started several times, then we tried from park and it worked.  Is my starter going, could it be something else?  Thanks for any help!

It could be the starter or it could be the NEUTRAL STARTER SAFETY SWITCH usually located under the dash on top of the steering column or on the shift linkage at the transmission.

The next time it fails to start in PARK try it in NEUTRAL.

Use this method for a a week and IF it fails to statrt in PARK but DOES start in NEUTRAL, This would indicate a faulty or mis-adjusted  NEUTRAL STARTER SAFETY SWITCH.
