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Pontiac: engine wont start, crank shaft, pontiac grand prix

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Question -
i went to start the car and it turns over but will not start.  i get gas to the engine.  i replaced the
spark plugs and the coil packs on the car still not spark and the engine will not start. the car is a 1996 pontiac grand prix with a 3100 v6 what do i do
Answer -

Pontiac has been building vehicles for about 75 yaers and I have NO clue as to what YEAR, MODEL and or engine size that you have.

Without this information, Any help is impossible.


The most common fault is the CRANK SHAFT SENSOR as due to it's location down near the bottom of the engine next to the crank shaft pulley it tends to get contaminated with excessive amounts of water and mud.

It is a very simple part to replace and can be replaced by anyone with some mechanical expertise.

Let me know if you require further assistance.
