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Pontiac: 98 Pontiac Grand Prix starter, starter solenoid, digital multimeter

I have a 98 grand prix gt.When I got it home the other night it wouldnt start. I turned the key all the way forward and nothing. No clicking, engine not turning. I tried a few more times, nothing. I banged the starter, nothing. The electricity is at full power. The next day it started right up. How can I find out what this was so I don't get stuck again? Is it the solinoid, ignition switch, or loose wire? I have a Digital multimeter, but I'm not too knowledgable on it. Please any info would be useful. Thanks!  

How did you determine that: "The electricity is at full
                            power " ?.

Put your meter on the 20 volt DC scale and attach it to the "S" terminal on the starter solenoid and try and start the vehicle and see if your have sufficient battery voltage at the "S" terminal. If you DO, I would take the starter OFF and take it into any major auto parts store and they will test it for FREE.

Starters tend to develp FLAT spots on the armature and when the starter stops on one of this faulty spot AFTER a successful start, Upon the next start, You get NOTHING just as what you asked.

Let me know.
