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Pontiac: Car stalling while idling at red lights etc., pontiac sunfire, exact cause

Hello. My car is a 98 Pontiac Sunfire. It is stalling at red
lights...basically while I'm sitting there with it idling waiting to
move. It doesn't do it everytime but seems to be happening
more often. It also seems to loose a little power sometimes when
I step on the gas from that idle position. I had taken it to a
service station where they performed a tune-up and replaced
the battery, but it's still stalling. This is the first major problem
I've had with it and I have approx. 107,000 miles on it. Do you
have any suggestions?
Thanks so much.
Tricia Dickson

Whoever did the tune-up should have found your problem. There are so many possibilities that can cause stalling that it would take hours to list ALL the possibilities.

You are going to have to have the vehicle looked at and professionally diagnosed by an expert automotive technician experienced with your make of vehicle.

I realize you are looking for an EXACT cause of your problem, But without performing some actual testing on various components, A diagnosis is impossible to make.
