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Pontiac: Glove box combination, pontiac grand prix, digit combination

I have a 1993 Pontiac Grand Prix SE with a combination lock on the glove box. I have tried every possible 3-digit combination to unlock it with no luck. Does Pontiac have a master file connected to the VIN#? Or should I go back and try the 1000 possible combinations again?
There is a small orange lever to the right of the tumblers- what is it for?
A local dealer suggested I get an owner's manual-I'll bet there's one in the glove box!

Thank you.

I'm not sure if there are any records for the combination locks. If there are it is probably the first or last three numbers of the door key code. Take your key to the parts department at the dealer and have them "read" the key codes for the door AND ignition keys and then try those codes on the combination lock. While you are there ask them about records with the VIN#.