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Pontiac: 1990 grand prix will not start, crankshaft sensor, injector pulse

3.1 engine 1990 grand prix cranks but will not start
tried another ecm still cranks but will not start.how do you test crankshaft sensor. there is no spark.or test the ignition modual

Here is what you need to do...
You said there is no spark. Check it on all 3 front cylinders just to make sure.
Next, check to see if you are getting any injector pulse. There are 2 injectors that you can get to without removing the intake plenumn. 1 by the oil cap and the one diagonal from it. Unplug the injectors and stick a small bulb in the connector. A 194 sidemarker bulb works perfectly. Crank the engine and the light should flash.
If you DONT have spark AND you DONT have injector pulse, it is probably a crank sensor.
If you DONT have spark but you DO have injector pulse, it is probably the ignition module.