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Pontiac: Lack of power, gm dealership, accelator

I just purchased a 97 Gram Am for my daughter, car seemd to be fine both engine & cosmeticly, Just recently when she is on the highway the car slows down and pressing on the accelator does not help, then the car "catches" and speed resumes. this does not happen often....but can be extremly dangerous, What could be the cause, bad Plugs, pluged catalitic converter, clogged fuel injectors or could it be the transmission. any advice would be helpful. in this area a good honest mech is hard to find. Thanks Jim

There are so many things that could be causing the problem you described. Its hard for me to say if it is engine OR transmission related with out more details. Also without knowing what engine and trans you have in the car, its almost impossible for me to guess at the problem. It is probably not the converter because it would do it all the time. It is probably ignition related, but it could also be a fuel pump that is on its way out. The best advice that I can give you is to take it to a local GM dealership to have it diagnosed. We are all factory trained and know your car better than anybody.
If you have more details or more questions, let me know and I will be happy to help in any way that I can.