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Pontiac: car running poorly, pontiac dealer, o2 sensor

I have a 1987 pontiac trans am gta. It was ruuning fine then with no warning whatsoever I lost power. the only way I could keep it running was to floor it. then it would hesitate for a few seconds then take off fast. when I let it set and idle it stars off ok but slowly idles down roughly till it stalls. If I wait a half our it starts back up then as it runs it get worse again. I would appreciate some help. thank you  

Sounds like it may be running to rich. Could be a bad o2 sensor or maybe a coolant sensor. Actualy there are alot of things that could be going on with your car and I hate to guess and have you waste alot of money throwing parts at it. You should have it diagnosed at your local Pontiac dealer, and then if you have any more questions or need advice feel free to ask me.