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Saab: 1987 saab 900 turbo no start

i was diving my Saab home one night from work and it died without any kind of warning signs. i had it towed home and i replaced the cap, rotor, coil pack,ignition control module and all the spark plug wires. the plug on top of the distributor i looked to make sure it was not corroded and it was good. im only getting spark from the coil pack to the distributor and thats it, i cant get any spark at the plugs. if you could help me that would be great

 Since you replaced so many things in the vicinity of the distributor, the only thing remaining is TIMING. Your timing chain may have 'jumped' a tooth or more. First check that the distributor is rotating when cranking the engine...then put the engine at the zero deg (TDC) timing mark and check that the distributor rotor  is at cyl. no.1 position.(or exactly 180 deg out because on a 4 cyl car, the distributor rotates once for 2 whole crankshaft revolutions).
 Once done, feel free to call back,