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Saab: 1990Saab Turbo 900 clutch, Saab clutch

About a moth ago I had a clutch replacement."Owner states the transmission will not go into gear,further exam revealed the clutch is completely worn out,remove transmission,clutch and flywheel,sublet flywheel for resurfacing,replace clutch and slave cylinder,reinstall clutch and road test to ensure [proper operation." Within a week I began to notice a stiffness in depressing the clutch intermittently with smooth forward motion.While driving to work I began to feel the clutch stick;then not depress forward while trying to put it in first gear and then clutch had no resistance just like when it was completely worn out.My Saab mechanic is now speculating before taking the whole clutch apart that the slave cylinder which is bolted to the transmission may have broken off the metal part of transmission and if so cannot be repaired.In your expertise what does this breakdown sound like to you.Love this car;purrs like kitten but if a new transmission becomes the answer I may have to say goodbye.Thank you in advance for your generosity in giving freely of your expertise.

 The clutch slave cylinder is held in place by 3 strong robust screws...which if not correctly tightened during reassembly, could cause your symptoms as described. It is very hard to believe that there would be physical breakage, except as speculated above. Therefore, it seems to me the responsibility of whoever did your clutch job to correct the matter.
 You can readily confirm the problem by removing the black plastic cover, exposing the clutch slave assembly.
  If indeed something were physically broken, it would be likely one of the "ears" on the slave cylinder, not the transmission, thus allowing for a moderate repair.
 It is also possible that the threaded holes on the transmission case became stripped and the screws loosened.. in this case a simple retapping with oversize screws would be an appropriate fix.
 Other but less likely possibilities are birth defects in either the clutch pressure plate or slave cylinder.
 But again, in all frankness, I believe that improper assembly was the causative factor with and that professional responsibility of the installing party should be recognized.
    Hope this helps,