Saab: Still Cant Find the Fuel Pump Relay, fuel pump relay, saab 900 s
Right side footwell 1
Right side footwell 2
Hi Again Jerry,
I'm not sure if you can help any more, but I thought I would try. We did as you suggested in our last conversation:
"...the fuel pump relay is on a little shelf behind the vertical wall where the passenger's right foot would normally be. You need to peel away the carpet starting at the door jam and floor(may need to unscrew the panel along the door edge). There are two relays on that little shelf...the one toward the rear of the car, next to the door, is the fuel pump relay."
All we could see was the silver control box. We shone the flash light up above it, and way inside towards the metal footwell we saw what may be the two relays, but they are completely inaccessible. There is no shelf behind the vertical wall that we can see. Do you have any other suggestions regarding the location of the fuel pump relay? Thanks for your time - we really appreciate your help.
The documentation I have which claims to be applicable up to 1993 SAAB 900's is what my description was based on. Apparently SAAB has some other location variations. May I recommend subscribing to <> as the most comprehensive source of info for your (or any car) that I know of. It is around $25/vehicle/year, but well worth it, considering the cost of alternatives. It is essentially the complete factory manual online.
Hope this helps,