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Saab: 1990 saab fuel pump relay, fuel pump relay, fuse panel

i would like to know how t test the fuel pump relay on my 1990 saab


  There is an easy way to check the fuel pump relay as follows:

1. Remove fuses 30 and 27 from the fuse panel located on the left front fender well in the engine compartment[
2. Jumper a short wire from the inboard (engine) side of fuse 27 to the outboard side of fuse 30.

3. The fuel pump should run; if not then either it or the wiring or relay associated with it are faulty
4. To further confirm the relay status:  Remove the carpeting from the right hand passenger footwell outer well (fender side) exposing the fuel pump relay(one on the right).  Remove it and measure for continuity between pins 30 and 87B; there should be an open circuit.  Then apply 12V to pins 86(pos) and 85(neg). There should be continuity between pins 30 and 87B with the 12 V applied.  If there is no continuity, the relay is bad.