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Saab: electrical, model saab, door locks

Hi there,

I have an intermittent (electrical ?) problem where the dash goes out
completely and then comes back on.  Saab did diagnostic and said it
is likely electrical ...any suggestions on what to look for and where to look?  Plus the door locks seem to work intermittently as well. the remote Battery has been replaced - no luck.  Any suggestions??

Ours is a Saab 1997 9000 turbo which was given to us.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Carl:  I am sorry, but as stated in my profile, my hands on experience is limited to the older [1993 and earlier] 900s only. On those, the place to start would be fuses 18 and 19 for instrument lighting, the ignition switch relay (located in the fusebox), and fuses 24 and 25 for the door locks. Although the above is understandably for a different year and model, SAAB is quite consistent and the above may well apply to your particular vehicle.

  Hope this helps,