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Saab: 96 Saab 900 SE Turbo, plastic fuel tank, saab dealership

Can you put a metal gas tank on a Saab that previously had a plastic fuel tank?   I can't find any info on the web and I refuse to call the Saab dealership, b/c I have no lucks with idiots!?

  I suppose you "could" put in a metal tank, but why would you want to? The SAAB fuel pump is located within the tank with special unique fittings..I doubt that any but a standard tank would be readily available with these fittings...of course with some specialized adapters, I suppose it all could be rigged up, but it would be costly.{see below..apparently a metal tank is available...I learned something new today!!}
 Over the years, plastic tanks have proven to be safer in accidents { much less likely to rupture under impact)  and against rust & corrosion...In all my SAAB experiences (40 years, hundreds of vehicles) I have NEVER seen fit to replace a plastic tank.
 If you indeed need another tank I would suggest getting one secondhand; depending on your location, consider <www.partshotlines.com> as a source. {actually I "found" a metal tank...SILVERS AUTO PARTS, ORONO ,ME 866-411,x55849). Other plastic tanks are available at around $100.00.

  Hope this helps,