Saab: Distributer, digital ohmmeter, saab spg
QuestionMy 88 Saab SPG was running fine until Weds. I went to crank it an nothing. I jumped the fuel pumps and they run. No spark at all from the coil. As I was checking the distributor the 3 prong plug in came off in my hand. all three wires pulled loose. Do you know the order they should go in, and if there is a replacement plug in I can purchase somewhere? This is the rectangular plug in not the oval one. Could this be the problem? All fuses were good. Thank you for any help.
I am sorry, but all of my literature simply shows the 3 wires going to the distributor, but not their physical arrangement. Your best bet is to find another SAAB and inspect it. A junkyard is also a good bet. You can locate a nearby one one that has SAABs of your vintage by going to <> and looking for a distributor for your car. Then you will need to go to that yard and [hopefully] find the wiring harness which you could then cut off leaving several inches of wire so that you could splice, color by color (should be brown, green, black) with black being ground. You could try identifying black by using a digital ohmmeter to each of the three pins in the distributor to locate ground. My guess would be that the colors are arranged in a row as in the order above. If you can thus locate black, its worth a try to 'guess' the other two as above. I doubt it would harm anything.
As to a replacement connector, if the junkyard idea is inconvenient, you could try soldering 3 "pigtail" wires on the pins and splicing them in.
Hope this helps,