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Saab: Intermittent electrical issue, fog lamps, saab 900 s

Car: 1994 Saab 900 s

Issue: intermittent electrical issue causing no power to wiper blades, thermostat fan, front, rear defrost, windows, turn signals. However, power stays on for head lamps, fog lamps, brake lights and radio.

I notice you specialize in older Saabs, nevertheless I appreciate your help on this frustrating issue.


Initially the issue started when reversing. Then progressed to go out when ever I tried to use any of the items listed above. I read online to try and turn the key slightly to the left when the failure happens, and sure enough some of the items came back online.

Earlier in the day I hit a pot hole which also triggered the failure. Pressing the break pedal also triggered this issue (I'll have to replicate this to make sure)

After researching this issue, it could be many things such as the ignition switch, the dice relay or simply a bad contact or ground. However I'm not quite certain where to start.

My concern is $$$ as I was preparing this car for sale before this problem happened.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  On the older SAABS (which I expect will likely be applicable to yours), circuit No. <54> handles those items giving you the trouble. This is energized in the "run" position of the ignition switch, which is consistent with "turning the key slightly to the left" as a possible fix. Sounds like a bad ignition switch. One way to tell is to check for + 12 volts on fuse No. 5 (the wiper circuit)with the switch in the 'run' position. This voltage comes from terminal 54 on the ignition switch. If not, try jumpering fuse 31 to fuse 5. This bypasses the ignition switch circuit no. 54. Remove fuse 31 temporarily when making this connection making sure to use that side of the fuse that has + 12 volts on it. [fuse 31 is for the brakelight circuit which always has + 12 volts going to it.]
 If jumpering 'does the trick' then you've located the problem in the switch or associated wiring.
  If this is hard to follow, you may get back to me for further info.
