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Saab: 2001 saab 95 AT, 3.0v6(turbo)se, saab dealer, saab 95

Yes lost my ignition key what would be the easiest route. I do work at Lkq so have an extra ignition shifter combo. Or could I possibly get a key cut. Saab of nashville tried to tell me it would be 2500 bucks. Car has been sitting for 2 years what can I do????????

 Last time I needed a "lost key " replacement, I went to the local SAAB dealer, gave him the VIN and $10.00 later brought a new key. That was years ago for a simple mechanical key. Since, as noted in my profile, my hands on experience does not include your model, I cannot be certain of your key type. If it is of the electronic type, then it will be more $$, but certainly not the $2500. I would go to a local locksmith.