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Saab: saab 1990 990i 5 speed cluch, Clutch system bleeding

my clutch has gone it was getting soft and it had no fluid in the reservoir i filled
it and it was gone the next day i realized the fluid had drained on to the
passenger side floor and then there was no clutch at all i replace the clutch
master and tried to bleed it with the nipple but no fluid seams to be getting
though and i still have no pressure what do you think is up

  You are experiencing a common problem when attempting to bleed the clutch system after its been opened. What you need to do is PRESSURIZE the clutch master from above, open the bleeder at the slave cylinder, and slowly force the fluid downward and out the bleeder. I use air pressure regulated to around 5 psi and rig up a plastic cap with a hole in the middle to place the pressure source, holding it firmly in place. The procedure is annoyingly tedious and can take 10 to 15 minutes. Keep at it! You may need to refill the master cyl. reservoir from time to time.

  Hope this helps,