Saab: car will turn over but wont start, crankshaft position sensor, neutral safety switch
Questionmy wife came home, car was running fine, but after the car is turned off it wont restart. its also an intermittent problem. It turns over fine, I can hear the fuel pump turn on when the key is turned to on. it acts like there is no spark occurring at all. I tried for an hour to start the car and it wouldnt even try to start (seems like no spark). I had it towed home and I jumped in the car and it started right up with no problem at all. I heard that the crank position sensor could be faulty. (I bought another saab 1999 just for parts, has a bad engine)I removed the crank position sensor from the parts car and installed it to my good car and the problem seems to still be present. it still sometimes turns over many times before it starts and other times it starts really quick. I heard something about a neutral safety switch that people have solved similar problems that I am having, however I have a manual transmission any ideas? note I was thinking if I have a bad crank or cam sensor, wouldn't they come up on my check engine light system.
Inasmuch you did not specify the exact year and model of your vehicle, I can only answer in general terms. First, you should determine for sure that there is a "no-spark" situation. This is best done VERY CAREFULLY with one person holding the end of any spark plug wire 1/4' FROM any body or engine metal surface and observing for physical spark. Use an insulated gripper or some other means to keep fingers away from the loose end. If no spark, then do the same with the coil wire (the end that goes into the distributor). If THEN there is spark, you've got a GROUNDED ROTOR. Replace the rotor and voile, the problem is solved. If still no spark, then you'll need to 'dig' further into the chain of circuitry such as the spark amplifier and ultimately, the crankshaft position sensor.
May I recommend the very best source of info for your particular vehicle as website <>? It is essentially a very detailed factory manual for each specific vehicle with extensive step-by step procedures. It costs $25/vehicle/year, but very well worth it, in my opinion.
The neutral safety switch is not relevant to your problem since it is only on cars with automatic transmissions.
A bad crank pos. sensor doesn't always show up as a check engine indication.
Hope this helps