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Saab: 1996 Saab running poorly in wet weather, spark plug wires, wet weather

HI, i got a 96 saab (154,000 miles) from my brother a few months ago. Every time it rains out it will start but i get down the road and it will die most of the time or at the very least idle funny/ be close to dying. I have even noticed it idling funny when its nice out for the first few miles then it seems good to go. Any ideas, it goes though a good amount of coolant but i'm not sure that has anything to do with it. Thanks

  The problem you describe is almost always caused by a breakdown in the high voltage ignition system...coil, wiring, spark plugs etc.  I would start by replacing the spark plug wires.

 I doubt that the loss of coolant is related, although conceivably, if it "leaks" into the combustion areas, it could cause poor running...but irrespective of the weather.!
