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Saab: 92 900S convertible brake lights, brake light switch, switch problem

Hi Jerry. The brake lights on the chassis wont light up when I press the brake pedal, but the brake light near the convertible top does.  I checked the bulbs in the housing on the chassis and they don't have broken filaments. Could it still be a brake light switch problem?  Please help before I get pulled over!

 There is only one brake light switch which energizes all of the rear brake lights. thus, there must be a broken wire/bad connection somewhere between the upper brakelight and rear corner ones. I would suggest that, rather than trying to locate the fault, you should splice in another wire at the upper light and snake it through to the rear light assembly and splice it in there. Look for a red wire...all brakelight wires are red. One side ought to be enough since there is an existing connection between the sides.
  Hope this helps,