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Saab: Saab dash lights, saab 900 s, d1 d2

QUESTION: Why are my spedometer lights out after 90mph? 1-90mph are working fine. Also my gear shifter lights are out down below. All the other lights on the dash are fine. Thanks for any advice!!!!

ANSWER: Stephanie:
 I cannot answer this without further info; year, model, any other "strange" occurrences that you can recall. Also, at first glance, this totally baffles me, never having experienced such.
    Please send as much descriptive info as you can to help solve the puzzle.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am so sorry- forgot that info. Long day. It is a 2001 Saab 9-3 SE- I just bought it a month ago and just noticed that at night I can only see numbers 1-90mph lit up. Half of the spedometer "circle" lights are out after 90mph so at night it appears as if the car only goes to 90mph(if that makes any sense). Not sure if a bulb issue or fuse issue. Also, the lights by the shifter down below are out. (P,N,R,D,D1,D2 ) Thanks and sorry about the lack of info ealier.

Big Big SMILE!!
 Stephanie, my interpretation of your first inquiry was that the dash lights go out when you go faster than 90 MPH!! Wow, I thought to myself...would an answer encourage reckless behavior? ( I am DAD to 2 young ladies, 30 %26 35, thus my frame of reference).
 Now that that is clarified, my answer is as follows; Yes, both the dash and shifter lever light bulbs need replacement...a relatively simple job, at least on the older SAAB 900's with which, as noted in my profile, I have extensive direct experience. I cannot be sure on your model year.
 If you are so inclined and want to save $$, you may consider doing it yourself. If so, I would recommend subscribing to <www.alldatadiy.com> [$25/year], a website that has the most extensive info on just about any vehicle that I know of.

 Regarding the starter, can you find a mechanic that would do just the installation labor, with you supplying the part? If so, I would recommend you buy the part, hand it over and have it done.

The above link to Advance Auto Parts which has your starter for about $127 + $22 core with lifetime warranty plus free shipping!
On the other hand, the price you noted of $278 (if it includes labor) is not unreasonable, when you consider time, convenience, etc.
  Hope this helps,