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Saab: 94 Saab 900se, starting and idling issue, Saab 900 hard starting & idling

My Saab is in pretty good driving condition, but has recently started failing to start.  When I turn the key, it sounds like it would normally, and it seems to almost? start, but doesn't.  Usually if I connect another battery and jump it, it will start.  The battery was replaced last November (98), though.
 Also, I'm not sure if this is related or not, but sometimes when I reach an intersection and it is idling, it will stop, and then I will usually have the same problem starting it as described above.  It seems to do this more often when it is hot out.  Sometimes if I wait a minute or two, and gun the accelerator pedal enough, it will catch, though.
  BTW, the fuel pump was replaced last December, as well.
Thanks for any helpful advice you can offer!


 My hands-on experience is limited to the pre-1993 900's as noted in my profile. However, there are hints [due to the fact that a second battery solves the problem]that your battery is either defective or not fully charged, the latter condition caused by a partially functioning alternator (or loose belt). This, coupled with the following (excerpted from a previous answer I sent out), could have a connection: (not all of the paragraph applies to your situation). I would therefore check both the battery and charging system.
  hope this helps,


"Fuel pumps often fail by not working at voltages below 10-11 volts. This condition occurs during cranking when a heavy electrical load is placed on the battery, thus lowering the voltage.I still believe the fuel pump is the likely problem.
To verify,I recommend the following test:
Bypass the fuel pump relay with the engine OFF by performing the following:
1. Remove fuses 27 and 30
2. Connect a jumper wire between the outboard (fender) side of fuse 30 and the inboard (engine) side of fuse 27

You should hear the fuel pump operating.

Then try to start the engine; if it starts and runs normally, the fuel pump is at fault. If still not, then a further check of the fuel delivery system, in particular the fuel injectors, is required. Also, have you ruled out the electrical ignition system as the problem? Is there any spark going to the spark plugs?"