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Saab: 1995 Saab electrical problems, crankshaft position sensor, flash patterns

At random, in full motion, and without warning, my 900 SE will simply lose power. But when I pull over, it starts right back up and works just fine with no lingering effects (until the next time it happens without warning). What gives? I bought the car used about a year ago, in good condition and with only 130,000 miles on it, and it ran great for several months until this started happening.

  You got a tough one since there are multiple possible causes that fit your problem description. My guess is a sensor is intermittent somewhere and therefore your on board computer should be able to read out the trouble codes and thus identify the source. A likely candidate is the crankshaft position sensor. On the earlier SAABS these trouble codes could be determined by counting check engine light flash patterns. I am not sure about your year (see my profile for a description of my hands-on experience)To get info on how to do this, go to <www.alldatadiy.com> for the most comprehensive source of auto technical info that I know of; it is $25/year/vehicle, but very well worth it if you are a "do-it-yourselfer"