Speedy Auto > Auto FAQ >  > Cars > Saab

Saab: hughs 1990 saab, center groton, groton road

QUESTION: Never brazed anything. Do you have a "quadrant"? If not, where to get the job done? How do I size the flange?


 Send my your address and I'll send you one...just postage will do.$3. Please send me your old one so I can restore it for some future need.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: will do.
hugh stillman
236 chambre ct.
lilburn,ga. 30047

how do I get the parts and $3. to you?

 I am :
      Jerry Schwell

         1707 Center Groton Road

         Ledyard, CT. 06339

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: got the part. just realized, the ignition barrel, is it spring loaded? If so, mine's broken. got one of those? Or, what do I do? Also, when this program pops up a different expert, what do I do? I'd like to stay with you during this exercise.


 I cannot remember whether the key barrel is spring loaded or not. The ignition switch itself is NOT. In any case, I do NOT have any. You may have to raid a local junkyard. A good way to find things is via <www.partshotlines.com>.

 Also, feel free to contact me via email at <[email protected]>.
