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Saab: 83 SAAB 900turbo starter issues, high mileage, heat conditions

QUESTION: Just changed the starter about 4 months ago (that was an adventure) the starter has worked just fine but has always sounded weak (my opinion, I'm no expert).  Recently started having problems starting.  Suspected the alternator, but the battery has a full charge.  Checked connections to the starter, were alittle loose - tightened back up. Now - full charge, clean battery contacts (1 year old Battery), turn key - hear a click, starter doesnt turn.

Hoping not to have to replace another starter.

Any help or tips would be much appreciated.

ANSWER: David:
 From your description, it can only be either the solenoid or starter, both of which should still be under warranty.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: In my other internet poking around i seem to be finding that this could have been caused by the starter getting heat soaked. Does this sound likely to you and if so do you have any suggestions so as to prevent this from happening again?


 In my experience, I have seen starters fail under extreme heat conditions, but that is usually due to the metal parts expanding and getting stuck OR an open electrical contact. This has only occurred, in my experience, on very old, high mileage units. It is possible that the core starter that was used to rebuild your present starter was old and the rebuilt portion did not include the offending areas. This is about the only explanation I have, and is, at best speculative.
 In any case, the starter, under normal conditions, should never fail from being "heat-soaked".
 Sorry I cannot be of more help,
