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Saab: Vibration during accelaration, accelaration, retaining ring

I have a 92 900S manual trans. Recently I have noticed at highway speeds a vibration from what seems the front axle when I let off the gas the vibration stops and starts again upon accelaration. My guess it is the inner driver is going bad, and is it an expensive repair?

  Yes, you are correct...it is almost certainly the inner "tulip-cup" driver. It can be an expensive fix if you take it to a SAAB place or other expensive, but "unimaginative" shop. But the clever thing to do is simply exchange right and left hand drivers; you'll need to remove both half-axles and drive the tulip-cups out of the gearbox and re-install them on the opposite side. They are held in place by a ring bearing housing bolted onto the side of the gearbox. Once this housing is removed, the worn drive tulip cups can be removed from it by releasing an internal tru-arc retaining ring and driving them out.The ring housings should remain on the sides they came from along with the installed shims. Hope this helps,
