Saab: my 01 viggen just went crazy....fuel/ECM?, jumper wire, fuse panel
QuestionIt all started with a flat tire the other morning and its true that when it rains it pours...Long and short of it is I blew a flat on my rear right and I swapped it out to the donut spare and limped it to work and back home...While I was driving (slowly 55mph) the TCM light would come on and I would lose accelartion and then immedately following the TCM OFF,ABS,BRAKE and the(!) lights came on..I figured this was due to the fact that the donut is smaller and causes the car to lean thus making the front end smear which activates the TCM..but since its not a momentary condition it kicks the TCM into OFF mode. Get car home change tire back to normal...go to start fuel....cant hear the pump power at the fuse (fuse is good) no power at the pump under the seat...can't jumper wire overide fuel pump..1st question...where ist the 5 pin F pump relay???? I looked behind the interior fuse panel and in the passenger front wheel well above the ECM computer where old 900's are located...This leads me to my next question/s... All winter long I havent had heat unless I pulled the and replaced the fuse this is caused by a bad fan controller/resistor....but my LCD screen has been doing a what ever it wants too and I have replaced it with a spare i have and it still does it,,,,,is this a computer issue that might have spread to the fuel system and TCM too????Also do the alarm systems on Viggens shut down the fuel pump in the event of theft? Never ever had any problems until now and it just seems like a lot all at once...Thanks
Wow! I wish I could help, but as stated in my profile, my intimate hands-on experience is limited to the older 900's and 99's. What I can recommend, however, is a the very best source of technical info I know of..for for any vehicle as including yours. It is: <> and it runs $25/year for a subscription.
Good Luck
Hope this helps